TwistedBeauty | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark
i havent posted in a while but im still around

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a mother's love



Views: 334

i never thought that i would be a mother

and now that i am one i can't imagine my life without my son

he puts a smile on my face like no other

whenever im down he knows ther perfect thing to do or say

he is a wonderful baby boy

my baby boy

no matter how old he may get

or how big he may grow

he will always be my baby boy

he never cease to amaze me

with the things he is learning everyday

he puts the biggest smile on my face

he is growing before my eyes

and if i was up to me i'd pause time

just to get a extra second minute hour day

just to soak it all in

he is a amazing person which i helped create

not one person on earth is exactly like him

the feeling i get when i see him i cant explain

no love is stronger than a mother's

no matter what they may do or say

hardly anything under the sun can change

a mother's love

especially for me and my son

he is the greatest person i know

nothing in this world can break our bond

started from day one

inside my womb

nothing in this world have given me great joy than being called your mom

through ups and downs i will be here for him like no one else

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The Immortal Wize says:

Simply beautiful!

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