ConsistentContradiction | Poetry Vibe
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first love

Views: 207

It's funny how things change
But amongst your heart, still remain the same
Years spent, Love given, promises made
None of them kept...feelings and emotions tested
Time invested
Tired of hanging on, can't take no more;
When is it time to move on?

What happened to the things we talked about?
My reassurance now clouded with what if's and doubt
what’s the use in me staying?
Can't figure out the rules to this game you're playing...
Thoughts of losing you consume and cloud my brain
Is there something that I'm missing?
What has changed?

I love the way you make me feel, nothing compares to your touch
You have what I need; I haven’t found it in anyone else
You took me high when I was low
You comforted me when I had nowhere to go
You’ve got a hold on me, feeling at times confused
Not knowing what to do, afraid of losing you
Deep down I’m a little worried, confused by your presence Is it out of obligation?
Look baby don’t get annoyed, I’m just trying to seek affirmation
I yearn for you, crave you But the fire in you is dead
Baby I know things change quite often
But this stagnant plateau we’ve reached is what I dread.

What’s happening to us? What does it all mean?
Can we talk about it? Without reading the lines in between?
I want the truth…straight up!
Keep the sugar for your tea, be HONEST with me!
Let’s not continue to deceive
Something is DEFINITELY different, our connection is off…kind of strange
I love you and fear losing you, please elaborate on this change…..

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The Immortal Wize says:

This is also another great poem.

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