Jordanta | Poetry Vibe
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The Victim



Views: 297

 The Victim

I've recently heard, this happens all of the time; so when a white man kills a black man, it's what's known as a victimless crime?

I'm a suspect in your eyes, a criminal in your heart and mind; in reality I'm a victim, because when it comes to seeing me, you're just morally blind

The citizen has become a suspect without, having done anything; the innocent has now become a victim, of a suspicious man's thinking

The pursuer of the suspect, has now become a  perpetrator of reversed mens rea;  and his actions now make him, a victim of his own very bad ideas

The suspect is the victim, as he is being pursued; whether he's a victim or a suspect, now depends on how he's being viewed

Stop, look, listen and gather all of the facts, it's clearly  black and white; there is no victim or suspect, if both are doing what's right

If the pursuer does not pursue; is their even victim for a suspect; this requires a thinking, that a suspicious mind can only reject

If you are always suspicious of me, there's nothing that I can do; and this just makes me a victim, of you just being you

Your suspicious mind has made me, a suspect of much variety; and through no fault of my own, I've now become a victim of an unfair society

I'm not a suspect, give your suspicious mind a chance; then I won't have to be considered, a victim of your created circumstance

Here I lie in my grave, a suspect and victim, whose justice never came; as the perpetrator of my demise, took no thought for my life, while playing  a dangerous game

Here I sit in jail, when I should be at work or in school; you know what you're doing and that's how I became, a victim of your unjust rules

My children have lost their father and my parents have lost their son; continuing the perpetuation of a cycle, which should've never begun

In all civilization, no victimization could be greater; the pursuer of the suspect claiming to be the victim, in the end was actually the perpetrator

Your socially biased thinking continues, to place us all in danger; and we'll  continue to be victims, as long as we simply remain as strangers

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The Immortal Wize says:

very well written and thought provoking.

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