Royale jones | Poetry Vibe
Royale jones
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 48300
contest winner
lightness in the dark

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Sonset - Sonrise


Views: 397

Tears running down her face
My words misplaced
I could hear the heart ache
I remember the familiar notes
Dead dreams of me and father getting close
Even as I stare in the mirror
I've seen a silhouette of my former self as a ghost
How was I supposed to know
I was causing all this pain
I played numb for all these years they Nick named me cane
There's a broken connection in my affections
My hate and love mingled in the same directions
Just another broken boy overlooked like an old toy
Even through all my stressing
I was working towards my perfections
I've gained from my life's lesson's
To be loved, you have to send love in the same direction
From where I sat
Now I stand
You can wipe your eyes Moma your son has become a

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