Number3 | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark
As a phoenix rises.

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Poetry in Motion



Views: 351

The way she walks as smooth as the calm ocean.

Intoxicating being, she poisons me as I take a drink from her potion.

She got too many curves, to be with her you have to move with caution.

Poetry in motion.

Syllabels in perfect symmetry.

She's the death of me, fresh roses on the cemetary.

No regrets with her as she levitates you to the heavenly.

Hidden like a cave, yet to be discovered as there are many men that have yet to see.

The meaning of poetry with velocity.

As she holds her head up high you know, she knows, she's beautiful from head to toe.

Understanding her is equilivent of defying nature an walking on burning coal.

She is the key to me as she fills the hole in my soul.

To unlock a series of an infinity of poems.. she is poetry in motion.


How I can only picture her as she is Da Vinci's Art nd i'm simply the utensils.

As I aim to describe her using parts of speech yet it simply can't contain her as it over fills the brim and begins to spill.

She is poetry, persuing her might kill me but I can't help but be addicted to the thrill.

Poetry in motion wearing a stihlleto heel.

Prom night and her beauty sureal.

I'm on life-support for her, as she's taken over me like an addict with an addiction to the pill.

A flow so intense...she'l make prisoners escape, jumping the fence...elluding tollerence..

Poetry in motion...poetry with sence

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