Best intentions aside:
I can't be mirror,Reflecting a distorted image,Only you seem to be able to see.I can't be the personification of abuse,The memories that cause tears,To rise at the most intimate of moments,You'd never intended to share.I can't be protector, Shield carrying warrior,Standing guard over your ego.A wall covered in trophiesStands testiment to your accomplishments.All I can do is stand by, clappingOne hand to forehead,Disbelief in mind.I won't tell you the truth.That despite opposite lives lived,despite having always been trapped in this body,My heart aches for your losses.I won't tell you, I never write flattery,In poetic form,Lavish words like lover's caresses,Drop prose like wasted kisses,Squander time like black hole fated matter.I won't tell you, behind your arrogance,I see the pain swimming in your eyes,Even as a smile lights your face.I know that mask,It's all too similar to my own.I can't be mirror,Catchment basin,Black hole, pulling pain, fear,Hatred,Away from the darkest, deepest points of your galaxy.But I will be here,There, at a moment's notice,When all you need is a comforting smile,An inside joke,A talented tongue.I will be here, Hand out stretched,With the other clapping,Probably in disbelief.Despite my efforts, You've managed become valueable,Become a friend.-tdp (4/30/13)