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Happy Father's Day


Views: 304

Happy Fathers' Day


Our Father who art in heaven I just want to say; thank you lord for blessing me to enjoy another happy father's day


Everything that I am and ever hope to be; is the reason I can give you the praise and say happy father's day to you and me


As you are happy with me then I can be the same; I am living in my birthright as I continually give praises in your name


Happy Fathers' Day to me and happy father's day to you too; I am most happy on this day expressly because of you


I am happy to be a father because of the love you've instilled; please lord keep me as a father whose living in your will


As you're the father of many nations I'm proud to be in this spiritual state; my paternity is not in question and there's no need for debate


 I am happy to be a father to the blessings that you gave; and I thank you for your mercy shown when we all would misbehave


As an honoree this day I can feel it’s very essence; but it wouldn't be possible had you not given me the gift of their presence


I don't want material things just to commercialize how they feel; on the days that my children were born those were father's days for real


It truly warms my heart today just to have them here; but the greatest gift is having them acknowledge you each day of the year


I'm happy to a husband as your word commands us to be; it not only brings me joy but gives my fatherhood your legitimacy


I'm happy to be a son reborn into your clan; and by walking in your spirit I can become a much better family man


I'm happy to be your child just like all the others; if we are your spiritual sons then doesn't that make Christ our brother


I'm happy to be  a father who can also be a friend; we can only win souls for Christ through the friendliness we extend


My happiness is complete when I walk in your spirit; continue to strengthen my ears so when it speaks I can hear it


All future fathers’ days are now a happy possibility; it is because of you I can say happy father's day to me


I'm so happy today because of what my father has brought this father through; as we celebrate this relationship you should be happy too


To my fellow fathers in a brotherly father's way; keep growing in your fatherhood and happy father's day

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