Rare | Poetry Vibe
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Views: 395

You're exciting.

Your "somewhat" smooth moves.

"spirited grooves".

Soothes the crevices of my mind.

Your gateways are electric.

Your sensuality sends Shockwaves down my spine.

Your lips are equivalent to passion fruit.

Your tongue like chilled wine.

Your compromising never compromises the positions I have in mind.


Ima take you by the waist.

Turn your around slowly.

In silence, we'll both watch the sun decline.

Although your body keeps me thinking naughty.

My class and patience will secure.

Rest assure I'll have your body in time.

With your kisses of approval.

I'll make parts of your body mine.

Matter oh fact.

You'll give parts of your body away.

With what I'll do to your frame.

*** screaming my name.

You'll give your heat away that day.

Let's take sips of life together.

Our union will be communion.

We'll wave.

While watching past pain fade away.

Endurance accompanied by bliss will easily sashay our way.

The things, to you I'll say will be creative in every way.

There will never come a day you can say.

That I've ever been cliche.

Ask the earths ears.

Its voice will utter to you.


My saliva, like liquid words.

Compressed to convey.

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Contest Winner  

The Immortal Wize says:

nicely done!

rare says:

Thank you
Contest Winner  

2b2b2 says:

Superb Work!!

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rare says:

Thanks hun

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DallasCowgirl says:

Nice flow

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