That brief moment when I cross paths with a stranger
Eye contact is made, smiles are exchanged, but more times than not words are never spoken
Then with some extreme coincidence we both happen to look back at each other at the same exact time
Embarrassment follows, face palms, my heart races with relief that she looked back as well
Probably too late to turn around now
I’ve convince myself I’ll take action next time
I’ll surely see her around town again
She looked as if she was in a hurry anyway, I wouldn’t want to delay her day
Well next time never happens
Her smile will never be seen by me again
I go over a 1000 scenarios in my mind of what I should have said and how I would have said it
A simple introduction could have started the best chapter in the book of her life
Chapter 10: The Day She Met The Man Of Her Dreams
Staring me and my simple hello, how are you doing