2b2b2 | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark
Love First and Love Lasts

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Yankee Role Modeling



Views: 492

Winners are often mis-users
Identified by a cap signifying
A home teams’ residence and logo
Motto defining the conquerors aligning
Subliming the sponsored promotion
In conviction of expected domination
Over and Over repeating history
Or reruns of commercialism hyped
Innuendos of the need to be first
Achieved at all costs in investing
Bought not necessarily from contest
Moreover controlling the sport of besting
As chattel are fattened for marketing
Lifting the downtrodden falsely or unfairly
Paraphernalia disseminating regalia
But really representing oppression
Suppressing the real history of culture
Rocking a Yankee cap in vogue
Accepting for passé past deeds dastardly
Like over-running native Indians home base
Not just referring to stealing a base
But straight up cheating the whole race
Railroading both native and latin leagues
Controlling migrations as patrons pay a fee
Professing Manifest Destiny as the only rule
Adhering to by any means necessary in acquiring
All for the sake of an empire built from stolen states
So next time when rocking a cap befitting….remember…
Who and What You Are Really Representing!!!

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