Ms.PoeticPassion | Poetry Vibe
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Writer's Block


just different

Views: 811

 My mind doesnt think the way it once did.

It is corrupted with PAIN, ANGER, and DOUBT.

I try to write my poetic rhymes

Im drained.

My heart is stained......My soul has taken cover and afraid to become uncoverd.

My mind doesnt think the way it once did.

My heart doesnt beat the same floetic ryhme.

They are at battle with each other.(my mind and my heart) 

I feel the emotions to write, but my mind cant think of the right words to put on this paper.

It frustrates me....UUUGGHH WRITER'S BlOCK!

I try and I try over and over, but nothing come to mind.

Its almost like a part of me has died.

I'm sitting here like.....Man-Man-Man.

I want to write again.........


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odonko-ba says:

You just did. And did it well. You touched on a subject that affects us all at one time or another. As the reader i felt your angst. That is a good thing. To pull the reader in. Well done.

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Ms.PoeticPassion says:

Thank you. I will hopefully be writing more.
Contest Winner  

TamaraD says:

I feel you I am there myself right now, but we will get through thank for sharing glad I'm not in this alone. BLESSINGS

Ms.PoeticPassion says:

You are very welcome. I am glad to share my thoughts.

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The Immortal Wize says:

My heart is stained......My soul has taken cover and afraid to become uncoverd. in those lines the block was lifted, I never judge art because art can not be defined...Keep on Flowin.

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Ms.PoeticPassion says:


Poteic Justice says:

i love it something we all go through :)

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LP45 says:

Very good work. I also had written a poem entitled writer's block as well. Even though things may not seem to make sense while we're writing them, they usually do when we get done. Keep writing.

Ms.PoeticPassion says:

Thank you

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soulntheart says:

I feel like that all the time, Well said

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twistedbeauty says:

very beautiful we all can relate

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ms.poeticpassion says:

Thanks TwistedBeauty

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love_supreme says:

Excellent write.

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