TwistedBeauty | Poetry Vibe
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contest winner
lightness in the dark
i havent posted in a while but im still around

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Views: 358

smoke to escape the stresses of the day

release the irritations of the moment

exhale the drama while inhaling toxins

polluting my body

giving me momentairly relief

smoke to ease my mind

when its to cluttered for me to think

to cluttered to comprehend everything going on around me


inhale exhale


until the cigarette is complete

sometimes its two at a time

because the days are to much to handle

five dollars and some change

releases my pain

my cheap getaway

blocking out my troubles

one pack at a time

flick my bic

and the weight of the world goes to the back of my mind

cheap release for the time being

gives me piece of mind

in this chaotic world

my cheap vacation

my form of meditation

before i snap

crackle and pop

off on everyone i encounter

sometimes writing and listening to music just dont do it for me

at times it takes a little more

easier and more acceptable than a bottle of liquor

it still falls in the same category

killing myself silently

i need a new release

a healthier guilty pleasure

until then i'll just smoke

smoke away my trouble

day by day

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Ms.PoeticPassion says:

I feel ya on this one....... Nice write.

poems by this commentor


thebookofspells says:


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