thebookofspells | Poetry Vibe
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  brigadier general
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Views: 333

Spend most of my days, locked in my past
Living in regret I forgot when the last
Time I felt alive was, its no surprise because
Everywhere I go I'm still caught in the grasp
Of all these damned lies I tell myself
I've got too much pride, I don't need your help.
I never even try to conceal my health
So just leave me alone, in these seas I've dwelt
For far too long. Now I know I've lost touch, but
What I got left's what I need, its enough:
A dream and a team and a reason to rush
The stage with these pages, I'm even and up
For anything, more than we're ready for
We're slow going, but rowing to steady shores
Past sirens who sang through my heart before,
Told me what I lost then, was already Yours.

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Contest Winner  

2b2b2 says:

Excellent...I like this!!! Thanks for sharing.....ONE

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