... see I thought I could trust you and invite you into my heart , but when you looked in my eyes and said "I love you" youu lied to my soul. I knew you were lying because I find out about her , I knew you were lying because I haven't heard from you in I don't know how long.. you didn't write me back on facebook , you didnt answer my calls , you couldn't be man enough to tell me there was someone else you were messing with.. thats how I know you lied. I believed you when you said you loved me , but I was a fool. and now you left me angry , unforgiving , and most of all ... in RAGE. The next time you wanna play with my heart , go find another player because I just quit the game. I give up on you , now you and her can have eachother .. and she ended with my leftovers. You wanna know The DIFFERNECE between FAKE AND REAL LOVE ??? FAKE love will have you feeling all good , and make you feel like your'e the only person your "man" is seeing. FAKE love will have you trusting him now , but then start to have second thoughts about the relationship later. FAKE love is him messing up the whole time behind your back , but then blaming it ALL on you , making you feel and look stupid . now on the other hand ... REAL love is knowing in your heart , in your soul , that you will ALWAYS be together , and NO type of bridge or anything can tear you apart.... THATS the difference between FAKE and REAL love.