Poteic Justice | Poetry Vibe
Poteic Justice
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Loving someones man


first love

Views: 325

I know your mines
Mines for just tonight
And tomorrow if she don’t act right
Wish I can send her a kite
Hanging off the kite saying he is not right
But will that be right
Or am I wrong
I play the scene in the back of my head playing my favorite song
And im vacant for him im forsaken
And then when he takes my heart he also has the cake and
It’s all my fault I let him get near
Leaving him is insane to me like putting on a fur coat and it 150 degrees
Would you please just listen to me
I feel the pain when he walks out to go do the unknown
And I know my heart can’t take it but I want to feel his soul
Maybe one day it can be unfold
His side of the bed is cold
I wonder how she feels when she feels his presences
Do she know how special it is when he undresses?
I’m a mess
Over him its true
Do you know he even has his own key?
Captivity in my tooth he is no good for me
Wishing for something to happen that can’t be
And just one man can do all this to me
But like I said I just can’t seem to let him go
Oh yeah you say everyone has someone
But do everyone knows
So Im stuck in the ocean and can’t swim
Knowing he is going save me it’s getting dim
Then the light shine my cell phone going off saying this is the end cause Im in love with my women
Sucks for my heart I gotta learn how to put my feeling on punishment….
Cause from the start it wasn’t promising

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