bulldognation44267 | Poetry Vibe
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Dear Mademoiselle Carroll Part II (DMC-2)



Views: 531

By: Keith Fuchs

There is no agony like she,
The "dishiest" on this planet.
Over seas and mountains scaled
Kilometers I would sail.
Dim the hi-hats and buffer the album
We can lend our ears to the soothing tunes
Drown out the news and turn on the lava lamps
Dream of her within the loom.
Her imminence repose and vamp.
I feel tremors of her
From extents beyond estimation,
But space and duration could never subdue my determination.
I'd go to great reaches and extravagant ranges.
To be a face in the crowd at a mutual event.
Then I'd be content, it'd commence
With a hello, how are you?
She would not learn of this emotion I vent.
This commotion which peaks my vigilance.
I'd be enthralled to engage, in an insignificant dialogue.
So much to say but little pronounced.
Astound that this fondness came to fruition.
Have we met before? In a previous life
Or centuries prior?
My entire life I've waited til now to see you smile.
I feared death and blindness, but now I do not
For I've finally seen you and had my shot.
To converge and say hello, now I can go if I must.

copyright 2013 Keith Fuchs all rights reserved

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2b2b2 says:

Imperative yet Chivalrous....I've been there (smile) thanks for sharing!

bulldognation44267 says:

Thanks brother I appreciate your feedback. This pain seems to extend to no end.

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