cliffonedge | Poetry Vibe
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Rome's Dance



Views: 193

 Different nights, different candles, different dark scenes to handle. Sweat dripping  then glistening and glaring off the moon light... light whispers in your ear letting you know tonight is your night. I please and please and then need and then need. My body feeds off the beads of the jewels you drop. The message is you as you go on and on on top. Pulled hair. Seductive stares  with eyes letting you in, legs shaking then relaxation. Looking over the nightstand is no longer bare because our wedding bands are there...right beside the glass of water. Looking at this scence I always wondered what my body would ponder but I have no thoughts just this action I performed that will never be lost because she is with me no longer empty our bond strokes deep! Deep inside us!  This marriage thing sometimes gives me a

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