c1037h | Poetry Vibe

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My wish



Views: 233

My words are walking, my tears are screaming.
My mind is racing, my heart is beating.
This world is crashing down, farther than I ever noticed.
People are weaping, people are dying.
People we love...are now flying.
Words are being said, tears are being whiped.
Parents hearts are breaking, and friends thoughts are shaking.
What do we do when our dreams are crashing?
Things happen for a reason...but can't you give us a sign,
were begging and were pleasing, don't take anymore lives.
Don't let these people ache anymore,
don't take these beautiful faces from the world.
This is my wish to you...the big guy up in heaven,
I wish you'd give us all a chance, a chance to see the world,
a chance to breathe it all in.
No more sickness, no more craziness, just peace.
After we've seen the world and learned everything we could..
you may take us. But promise me, no one will ever die young.

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