cliffonedge | Poetry Vibe
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Rusty Breathe (August Contest)



Views: 177

What chains do I have that holds me down? It seem so sound as I walk these streets his breathes excites me. Entices me traced with trespassing part of me loves the rebel he brings out of me. His words clothes with innocemt rose petals, with lavender soak moves I am relaxed as he extracts and rapes me over and over taking my sober and leaving me inert. Immobile. Folding up his shirt he walks out of my life naked a leaving nothing unseen. Battered as I bleed I awake each day to have the process done again. With the same choice to make will I let him win and sin and sin and sin.

 I named this "Rusty Breathe" because in life it is the "old ways" that may sometimes hold us and bind us and the "Breathe" stood for "life". So all in all the old life should be a new life each morning a renewing so we can all continue to make change and break the chains.

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