c1037h | Poetry Vibe

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Things happen for a reason



Views: 246

Life is beautiful in many different ways.
But some things happen..things you can't even explain.
You feel you've come closer to someone by feeling their pain.
Sometimes I wonder..
"Is this thing called life just a game?

Some people that you meet come in and out of your life.
Some of those people you know you'll never forget.
Now..looking back and seeing that I only got to hangout with you once,
is my biggest regret.

I think about you everyday now,
I think about how many good memories we could have shared.
I think of how connected I feel to you because we've felt the same pain.
I think of why god's now letting us all go to sleep with a frown on our face.

Everyday I wonder why people keep losing everyone they love.
People that they looked up to, or even people they didn't know.
But why you, why now?
They always say,
"It was their time to go, their much happier now."
I'm thinking your so loved, so beautiful, so talented....so young.

My heart is pounding because now all I'm thinking of is, what's next?
What more do we all need to happen?
How much more pain can he put upon us?
How many more lives is he gonna take?

Here I am, alone in my bedroom, with just my thought for company.
I wish that you would just walk in with a smile on your face and a sparkle in each of your eyes.
& finally, sitting here; with you, beside you.
I'd just about realize..

Things happen for a reason.
Things you can't explain.

It hurts inside to say good-bye,
it hurts like I just need to cry.

When I met you, you looked so sweet and kind.
Why'd they take you? You didn't want to die.

Now you have spreaded your wings, and up and up you'd fly
Fly away butterfly, for you are in my heart.
Fly away butterfly, we'll never be apart.

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