Number3 | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark
As a phoenix rises.

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Romeo & Juliet



Views: 463

"Romeo, Romeo! Wherefore art though Romeo?

As she cries over the balcony; wondering anxiously; if love is money without him she faces bankcruptcy; her royal majesty.

Staring into the open, broken; undying devotion; to the one she loves, broken record like those of beethoven, as she grabs her ring, token of love from him, with a slogan.

"My love is yours"... through the front door comes the next bachelor; a slight change of atmosphere; suggested by her father; the son of the lord chancellor.

Just like that, Romeo is a amnesic thought; a simple afterthought; too bad for the roses he bought; left to clench them in his palm till the blood drops; Love is an invitation to pain, and like a fooled animal he got caught.

Tears on his pillow; cold breeze below the window; cooling his tears, tears of a widow; as he is alone, swaying like a willow; loves the wind and back and forth he goes.

Wondering how he's going to look her in the eye; without begining to cry; holding back the tears to keep his pride; with the new guy holding her hand, stroking her thigh; as Romeo stares on, weeps silently exhaling a futile sigh.

Life is no more without Juliet; a princess worthy of a flower...or rather a boquet; a banquet in honor of her name; dancing tango, the dance of lovers, two steps to the right, two steps to the left.

I'm Romeo, in another time, hoping to hear her voice say my name; needy of her presence to prevent myself from going insane; as my attempts to woo her back are without gain, lost without aim; cherry on top of my broken heart waiting to no avail.

Because I heard her call me out...but I was "busy" ,too busy to make time; On the bench, in the park, scribbling line after line; my wedding vows as I had percieved she would be mine.

A series of unexpected unfortunate events; a stop sign not allowing me to commence; with my life and make ammends; as I'm stuck walking through troubles of tall grass thats dense.

Guided by a reality of past tense. heartbroken lost.

Nothing makes sence.

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LP45 says:

Very nice.

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Number3 says:

Thanks again ladypoet..Word Up

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DallasCowgirl says:

This is nice!

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