I have nothing. I have nothing to lose. If God took my hands back I would sing the promises of him never letting me sink. Then sit and wait to see my brink and stand at the edge of it. I am set with this emtional random thought that I haven't been bought with a price. The gold medals mean nothing, the awards hurt my stomach, and the succession called success is killing me. Slowly... so slow hanging and dripping like molasses I feel as time passes and know that I will never have it mastered. I am plastered fighting from being a bastard screaming God is my Father. The link in the chain is scambled as the crowd screams that getting money is candid. I have nothing . I have nothing to lose because I am already bruised but decided I didn't want to lose. So I try to stay steady and away from the abuse. You cannot lose if you are doing what you are supposed to do. #Ventdotcom.com