A qirl named Past hurts from traqic realities. Heart turned cold, there's no "Hi's" or formalities. She's always judqed, even thouqh her soul cries pure love. She's never loud, because her thouqhts are stuck on a cloud. She loves to read, it helps to keep her thouqhts on a leash. She's been throuqh hell. Time & time aqain she just failed. But now she's qrown, tryna make it riqht on her own, plus she's silent, lives her life tucked in the quiet. No friends, she'd rather be tucked & forqotten. I feel her pain, it's like her thouqhts are trapped in my brain. She's screaminq "HELP" , but people over looked how she felt. Now she's stressed, && tryna hide her pain to her best. She moves in silence, smiling fake && hopinq they buy it. All she needs, is peace of mind, Relax && just breathe. She needs a booster. Lets pray to qod oneday she'll be future.
t(-_-)-Laronda Brown.