mrmelody7 | Poetry Vibe


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I Feel So Real and I owe it all to you-Tribute song for my very favorite Singer and Special friend Natalie Cole-still connected-Feel so real Steve Arrington

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As Far As I Can See



Views: 1110

This habit of leaving earth and fanning up to the sky is my get away

from the stated reality

The presence of God always a part of me ponts my eyes to the

horizon as far as I can see, the Cosmos beckon me to travel through

the distant galaxies and the price is free and it is mine as far as I

can see

In my search for as as far as I can see, I have found wisdom and knowledge

are the key to unlock the secrets of the heavens for me

While the world kill and maim for a spot of oil and shed blood for

a dollar bill, they cease to understand their own mortality---here

for only a short borrowed time, the joy of unmaterialistic life should

be their only concern, but through all the generations, this

they have yet to learn

Not to preach to anyone, their moral souls will answer one day to what

they have done, I, myself, am enjoying the sun as far as I can see




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2b2b2 says:

Great Write...your expression is very uplifting...thanks for sharing!

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mrmelody7 says:

Thank you for such a kind comment and you are quite welcome

Tali says:


mrmelody7 says:

Thank you much your writings express a beautiful soul within as are you

Tali says:

Thank you MrMelody, I enjoy reading your wonderfully crafted work as well. Thanks for all of the love.

Tali says:

Thank you MrMelody, I enjoy reading your wonderfully crafted work as well. Thanks for all of the love.

mrmelody7 says:

Well thank you, you are very gifted, as someone once told me on another poetry site, you are at a difference place then most. Not posting here because the poetry is not coming out line for line like I submit, combing two sentence into one, my words not my style, something about my browser

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LP45 says:

Great work mrmelody7. Truth be told, if only everyone would see life like this the world would be a much better place. As far as I can see it, you do great work. I am impressed.

mrmelody7 says:

Thank you much Ladypoet45 for such a high compliment, I like flyin under the radar, been writing long time but its just a winter hobby of mine, enjoy doing many things writing is kinda down at the end of the list

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