Number3 | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark
As a phoenix rises.

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Broken Candles : Hope


Views: 447

Broken wisk.

Broken wax.

Broken light.

Broken body.

Broken mind.

Broken soul.

Broken dreams.

Broken hope.

Broken ambition.

Broken being.

Broken life.

Broken candles, split in two; still able to burn; placed on opposite sides of the room.

"Two heads are better than one".

I see better with broken candles; one in each hand, enough for me to handle.

And if I can't, one for my fellow compatriate, hiding in the shadow.

Any amount of light is still light; giving you hope in setting a map for your direction at night.

Candle give me hope to fight the battle.

Candle give me aspiration to switch into a different channel.

To find something new in the dark.

That little bit of hope.

To pull through.

That little bit of hope..

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royale jones says:

Damn that was inspirational I almost cut off the lights lol and lit one

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