tretre | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark
"Don't just think it, Ink It!!!!"

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When we write



Views: 509

 when we write, it often severs a purpose,broken words, spoken truth, Hidden desires, The pen my word factory, spitting out fire.

When we write passion flows, inside our hearts, leaving some minds tied in knots.

When we write we express our concerns, our troubles, and our fears, expressing with this pen

written words so clear.

When we write we water our thoughts like a garden seed, flowing though the pages at high speed.

When we write we create flames of desire, the touch of the paper followed by the pen, We release those desires within.

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mrmelody7 says:

The garden of mind a wonderful place to find beautiful fruits of knowledge

DreamPoet says:

Can i add you to my favorite list of poets from this website? I really enjoy reading your poems, the way you express yourself is amazing. I read a lot of other poems on here most of them don't make sense. I find that i enjoy yours a lot. So can i?

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