Number3 | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark
As a phoenix rises.

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Torn Apart : Guilt



Views: 460

"Leave me alone!"

"I didn't mean to do it.."

As she sobs hiding under the bed sheets; knees to her chest, the drumming of her heart beats.

Sweat pouring down;the clitter clatter as her adjacent jaws strike each other; all because of the bad deeds, and her sown seeds.

She chose to be quiet; now she's schizophrenic as the walls speak; it gets even worse as she knows what they seek.

A young soul begging her to repent and pay for her sins; as the clock strikes twelve the echoes of insanitys arrival (tick tock) begin to sing.

As she remenices on the past evening; swirving through traffic in a rush to get home; 3 blocks away from her driveway as she hit something.

Contemplated on wether to check; but she figured "What the heck?"; must be a stray dog, so she reversed, turned the stearing wheel to the right and proceeded on her way.

Never took a second to think of the consequences; now her sane mentality took a plummet and has never been the same since that day.

......Headline news :"MURDER ON GRISHAM ROAD, YOUNG BOY KILLED, police are investigating"......

Back in her room, the newspaper article soggy with tears; guilt has run its course by encapsulating her with every form of fear.

Insomnia stricken as everytime she shuts her eye-lids she sees his face; crimson colours everywhere she looks, in the centre of her room, back and fourth she begins to pace.

Dellusional with only the purpose to escape; She places a stool in the epicentre; under the light bulb, with trembling limbs she sits and tighs a noose.

.....Headline news "SUICIDE! YOUNG ADULT TAKES HER LIFE, police are investigating".....

Guilt has run its course.

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jnikic5 says:

dang this is powerful

love_supreme says:

I agree, this is very powerful.

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Contest Winner  

Number3 says:

Thank you. Word up

T'ya says:

Oh wow!!! This is such an amazing piece!!! The visual imagery really puts the reader in her frame of mind. I couldn't imagine being in that position because it felt very real reading your words!!! Very powerful and extremely well written spill!!!

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