odonko-ba | Poetry Vibe
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 13600
contest winner
Her beauty isn't measured by some European standard of what beauty should be but by her confidence and the fact that she is loving the skin she's in. To me, that alone is beautiful.

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a beautiful darkness



Views: 307

how many times

have i

searched for a rainbow

only to find despair

locked down and 

locked out of amerikkka

a vegabond deep within it's lair

how many times must i search for a rainbow

a rainbow where there is no sun

is it possible that

providence is racist

and the sun and the rainbow segregationist

for how many times

must i search for a rainbow

only to find despair


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Contest Winner  

2b2b2 says:

Poignant Write....thanks for sharing....sometimes it does make you wonder....ONE

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