Royale jones | Poetry Vibe
Royale jones
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 48300
contest winner
lightness in the dark

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years in the stretch



Views: 326

Years in the stretch

I'm sinking fast....

I just spent my last trying to last til tomorrow

and everybody I know is conveniently broke

I couldn't even borrow hope

or a bar soap

to wash away these dirty looks...

reading the good book,

had me shook

all this time I was just tryna survive

I turned to a page

the first two lines had me realize

that I was nothing, but a common theft..

I never thought about it

I was just tryna eat

now I just wanna change the game

Forget the receipt

fifteen shots or less in the express lane

just enough to warm the body or numb the chest

I prayed through all the hard times

never to forget!

that through all the BS

I'm still here just to make it....



talented and flagrant!

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