The Cunning Linguist | Poetry Vibe
The Cunning Linguist
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 13800
contest winner
lightness in the dark
For every beautiful woman that you see somewhere, somewhere there's a man who's tired of looking at her.

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Hood Sh!t


Views: 199

Violence, murder, misery and people getting robbed, a big @ss celebration when our people get a job,
where folks below the line of poverty have good intent, but somehow wind up sidetracked; all caught up in hoodish sh!t.

The liquor stores and chicken spots are not that hard to find, the ladder of success is smeared with grease; it’s hard to climb,
from out the concrete forest; ev’ryday the jungle’s hot, the young’ns just don’t get it til they’re somewhere slumped from shots,

that strike the head and torso but there’re angles in the game, like getting hit with bullets cause a banger has no aim,
the “wrong place-wrong time” adage aint an issue anymore, cause slugs’ll fly through windows and will get through any door,

or wall and outer surface; understand we’re just not safe, it’s not like you can tell a shot to get from out your face,
I love the hood and rep it but the sh!t has got to cease, until the ghetto’s @ss is wiped we'll have no shot at peace.


The Cunning Linguist

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