The Cunning Linguist | Poetry Vibe
The Cunning Linguist
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 13800
contest winner
lightness in the dark
For every beautiful woman that you see somewhere, somewhere there's a man who's tired of looking at her.

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Views: 210

I don't give a f*ck no more; I think that point's been made, the game of life is crazy; please behave or points are shaved,
the kind of flow I got'll keep a woman moist for days, while people wanna be uplifting; n1ggas hoist away.

It's sad how families spend generations on the t1t, of all this country's taxpayers but think they're all the sh!t,
I wish I could afford it; I would get em all a grip, take n1ggas off the corners slingin til they're all legit.

Someone has to do it cause The Government don't share, the ones who need it suffer most; The Government don't care,
I speak it how I feel it see The Government won't scare, me into shuttin the h3ll up; so Government go there.

I'll flip it like a light switch as I talk on how the kids, these days aint bout a gotd@mn thing I mean thas how it is,
or maybe how it seems; perhaps these times are now a dream, we may be soon awoken to the sounds of how we scream,

like lovers in the bedroom noise will penetrate the wall, that brief moment of rapture when juice emanates from balls, derivative is bustin; nuttin else can quite describe, that feeling of enclosure when immured in tight insides.

The Cunning Linguist surely will exasperate the ones, who just can’t comprehend the ways his words will play for fun,
I must admit to being quite the figure yes indeed, more dangerous than anything’s a n1gger than can read,

as well as process all the knowledge he or she intakes, we must learn from our history or we’ll repeat mistakes,
your dude has brought some food for thought; just call me E.S.P., this life is spelled like Sony; use the letters P.S.P.


The Cunning Linguist

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