respiration for the heart .
involuntary even for those not smart.from the first to the last. take deep breath. for the incidence you just saw.captivated. left in awe.mind *** search of some more. so take a deep breath. for the girl who just wittnecd her boyfriend kneel down.for the girl whose walking home. .. before being approached and being told to go to the the lady having her first baby... to seeing a body resembling her but producing not a single sound. take a deep breath for what should have the prom queen whose seeing her king with her best friend by the toilets kissing. to the mom and dad arriving home to a blood shed in the kitchen. .. then finding out their 3 year old is missing. take a deep breath. of the THC and enter my world.where humans ain't being treated like products and being put up to be sold. where a cancer patient ain't afraid of the embarrassment and negative thoughts of people seeing he's bold. take a deep breath cause some are having their last. like the father in the street surrounded by groceries with paint of blood, after 3 blasts. to the suprise birthday of a grandad followed by news from the docter informing the family he just passed. take a deep three. and believe me that what you inhale is not just air circulating. but a life force that's got your reading this and thinking. getting you through the night and day happiness and heartbreak... i've got you wondering. ..of what you would be without itso appreciate it. live life and don't waste it.take a deep breath. ..