Kilay | Poetry Vibe
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The art side of life

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pain walks around aloud in the street



Views: 142
Pain walks aloud in the street Pain walks aloud in the street She raises her voice in the public squares where the commuters meet she cries out in the gateways of the city where she makes her speech Pain walks around aloud in the street Pain walks with me ,but does not guide me It sleeps with me ,but it does not protect me When I'm awake it refuses to speak to me Pain walks around aloud in the street She raises her voice in the public squares where the commuters meet she cries out in the gateways of the city where she makes her speech Pain walks around aloud in the street It walks around with me With it's haughty eyes Lying tongues And hands that destroy love's innocent blood Pain's love is comprised of wicked schemes Feet that are quick to rush into evil and burn down my already broken dreams Pain walks aloud in the street She raises her voice in the public squares where the commuters meet she cries out in the gateways of the city where she makes her speech Pain walks around aloud in the street Violence overwhelms my surrounding How long .. .. will it lie there.. .. sluggard.. .. When will it rise from it's sleep..? To no longer leave my heart pounding Why is pain a scoundrel and a villain, why..? Who goes about with a corrupt mouth And winks with it's eye Signals with it's feet and motions with it's fingers This pain .. It .. Lingers... Pain walks aloud in the street She raises her voice in the public squares where the commuters meet she cries out in the gateways of the city where she makes her speech Pain walks around aloud in the street ~Kilay~

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