Poteic Justice | Poetry Vibe
Poteic Justice
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if mama was here



Views: 361

The other day I saw this older woman get out her car and she kind of favored my mother but she was just older than her so I was staring at the lady and now I cant stop wondering how would she look if she was here with me now, how will she sound now, how would she treat me, how she would wear her hair, would her crooked smile be the same, would she cook every Sunday for me to come over, what would her cellphone number be and what would be her song and how long would she hug me and her laugh I wish I could hear, oh how I just wish my mama was still here



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mrmelody7 says:

heart felt write, am blessed to still mom 90 yrs old her sister 92 and the baby of the group 88

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Poteic Justice says:

thats a wonderful thing i lost my mom at 14 im 23 now... thank u :)

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