Poteic Justice | Poetry Vibe
Poteic Justice
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Views: 309

I feel the pain

But I

Just want to tuck it away

And then

Go on about my day

So why

This pain want go away

I cry

To try to regain

I lie

To myself and others smile and say I am ok

But no

That smile is crumbling away I feel it

My eyes are burning up like hell

Its bout to rain and pour I can tell

Screaming aint going do enough

For I shall

Be better after I face the monster in me

The hatred I have towards many

The disgust I have spit on the ground

I don’t want to go through this pain now

Things mama said I can hardly remember wow

I was young so I didnt get educated from her long enough

All I know like her I am so tuff

Oh how I miss her love

And mean side if she could slap me right now I feel so good inside

But but but it aint going to happen

Im mad yall f*** these life issue they don’t matter

Confused looking for the other side

Brighter side where I don’t hurt inside

I don’t want to cry

I want to be calm and collective

Well put together

Give these d*** issue a expiration date I don’t want them to be effective



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