she holds him in her arms crying tears fallen from her face like endless rain from the sky she screams you can't die you said you'd love me forever to death do us part if you die i wanna die with you his last words to her was live your life don't dwell on the past i to wanted us to last she's said your not the past your my future my present we have a baby on the way now tears from his eyes starts falling as well he saids three last words i love you....9 months later the baby is born the doctor tells her there is someone who wishes to see you with a puzzled look on her face she wonders who could be wanting to see was her husbands brother he approach her saying congratulations on having his older brother new born she smiled he told her he would be the step father and that his brother would have wanted that she agreed with him one thing concerned him he had questions but wasn't willing to ask because she just got out of labor mean while the husband who was thought to bed dead was very much alive and well but had a serious case of amnesia and couldn't remember a thing at first he was scared an went into panic mode it took four doctors to starp him down to give him his medicine he pass out now the twisted part about this whole situation is that his brother didn't know he was still alive but later on he would come to find be continued....