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Righteous Profitability


just different

Views: 354

 Righteous Profitability

Fascism is drug testing new employees for a plant that heals and soothes.
Fascism is using my tax dollars to kill innocent women and children.
Fascism is war started over false flag events like 9/11.
Fascism enslaves my fellow man for convictions of crime that are sometimes false.
One racist policeman convicted over 80 innocents in his career.
Fascism is investing in prisons on the stock market, lobbying millions of dollars to enslave more by creating laws.
The enemies of Ma’at fight for chaos and hazardous communities with or without knowing what they do.

32) I have not worked evil

But I honor and obey those that do. Revolution.
Stop, Meditate, and begin again with each new day finding higher paths in the mirror.
If I found myself working as or for slave catchers, I would become self destructive.
Is this why people with high IQ’s are discouraged from service as police?

27) I have not behaved with violence.

But some people are paid to do it as a last resort because violence brings violence.
When you have become a force of nature, how do you continue to evolve without becoming paranoid and self destructive?

I would suggest the righteous path of Ma’at and if your job works against Ma’at, change the culture or move to a company that values enlightenment. Which company will naturally thrive? The one with the most or the least enlightened and empowered?

There is synergy in companies that have simple ways of doing business. Ma’at creates the ultimate environment for growth, innovation, and righteous profitability.

Fascism is controlling the media, the president, congress, the courts, the military and the police with the love of money. To many Christians, Jews, and Muslims serve the love of money.
Ma’at would not stand for it. Our blood is in the street and you expect me to remain civil about uncivilized service to the root of all evil? Monsanto, Halliburton, and the pharmaceutical industry are out of control like big oil. Hemp seed bio fuel should heal us in less than 6 months but tyrants direct our path against the will of Ma’at, the people, science, and common sense.


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