Montice | Poetry Vibe
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Rise and Shine



Views: 464

 Rise and shine, sleepy head gone get up out of bed calls momma from the kitchen.
I could tell she was cooking breakfast because I could smell the savory scent of bacon in the air but there I lay still in my bed

Rise and shine, sleepy head gone get up out of bed daddy calls from the bathroom.
I knew he was shaving his whiskers cuzz I could hear the faucet running and smell his stinky aftershave but still I laid in my bed

Rise and shine sleepy head gone get up out of bed calls my little brother from his room
I knew he had to be playing with his toys cuzz I could hear his buzz light year action figure saying to infinity and beyond, over and over again. But still I lay in my bed.

Rise and shine sleepy head gone get up out of bed…and I popped up scared out my mind not knowing were in the world that voice came from.

But I figured it was nothing and laid back down still in my bed.
Why you ask? Why won’t I just get up?
Well I didn’t feel like it that’s why, I was tired of doing the same old same old, I was tired of seeing the same old same old.

All you hear now a days is how broke everybody is or what they aint got
All you see is brothers killing each other and sisters fighting over a dead beat brother
All you see is more folks going homeless and without food
Babies losing parents to alcohol abuse and drug addiction, babies having babies

So because I’m tired of all that I just decided to stay in bed to ignore the realness of my reality but instead slip into my faulty sense of security you see because in my bed I was safe. I could hide my faults and insecurities with my blanket of shame and just cover myself, I could rest my head on my pillow of self told lies that if I just laid there everything else would go away. That if I refused to get up and face the realness of my reality everything would just automatically become ok. Because that’s what the world has taught me anyway. If we overlook our problems and act as if they don’t exist they will some how diaspear. Or on the contrary lets just fight our problems away war after war. So I pick the later and choose to lay in my bed. Then I hear the voice again.


Get out of bed because the sun is still shining and you are still breathing. Get out of bed because you have been given yet another chance to get it right. Get out of bed because you can change these problems you see. Get out of bed because you refuse to be another on looker. Get out of bed because I have placed in you greatness and I will not let my word come back unto me void. Get out of bed because I am calling you.
I was so taken a back and you guessed it. I got my butt out that bed, and before I started my day I bowed my head to pray because I knew without a doubt that was God.

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odonko-ba says:

i like this it made me smile. and on top of that it ended with a big bang...nice work. and i really enjoyed the other one also. kkep that pen moving lil sista for you truly have a gift.

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