PeaceSearcher | Poetry Vibe
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We Condone...



Views: 646

 I'm sitting on a bench in the hall,

looking around and writing this on my phone,
we as a society has advanced technologically and we condone.
Everyone is on there phone,
I don't see one person looking up,
lets take a second to backup,
children now a day have phones,
spoil the kids early with phones.
Our generation is crumbling everyday,
some may think it's all in great notions,
but everyday it's like drinking potions. 
People now a days aren't thankful for what they have,
they want more things to have.
I see the word "thestruggles" hash tagged way to much,
wanting more is such a crutch,
there are places all over the world who having nothing, 
but I see people write" thestruggles" way to much,
darn it...
you are hungry for an hour..ouch,
just go back on your smartphone since you don't have much.

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