I heard the waves breaking through our conversation.
oh such a sensation. the truth may not set you free, but feel free to let your words run free. I played the game, got tired of running. so i gladly took a knee. I coach now days, to these less than few, who lost their way. brag on money, but wont pay attention. did I fail to mention? that I've seen kings and queens follow things, like blind phines. ride out to be wood housed, to justify, unjustifiable means & other inorganic things. knowledge is such a beautiful thing. open your eyes to unlimited themes, Weightless dreams. ease your heavy'd mind on this Egyptian cotton picked by worked ways, ancestral love slaves, who gave more than just a f! To make sure your path was paved and touched by every willing sun ray. There are people who would die twice to see views you choose to overlook now a days, who were beaten to have time to pray. just pray you don't become prey, to your old ways. at least you got the chance to choose what you want to be a slave to. Be all that you want to. If not for yourself, for everyone behind you!