Slavery exist
This very day
Just not in those obvious ways
Is more than just minimum wage
We are taught like robots to think one way
To be perfect members of society
And not change it in anyway
And let me remind you
We are valuable
As a group of Latino and African Americans
We are a voice, we can stand up and say
Hey Mr. President I don’t like it this way
Look through the façade
You are created to think one way
In a box
You are meant to think that
Laws cannot change
Why is it that Latino can’t be checked on a
Governmental form
We are a race, we are the face of diversity
We are black, we are European and the natives of our country
Open your eyes,
Open the eyes of your children
So that they can strive to be educators, doctors, lawyers,
Not just factory workers Janitors or bus drivers
We are a powerful race
And we are enslaved
Welfare, housing, Medicaid & foodstamps
Is a drug pumped into our minds
To keep us thinking that if we don’t get this next check we are going to die
Nobody to teach us how to be productive members of society
Don’t only live for you, live for your neighbors
Live to change the world we live in
Because we are enslaved
Made to think we are free
But if only we knew the truth in “realityâ€