JerseyNoble | Poetry Vibe
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Smilin' Ass



Views: 318

Smilin’ Ass

Who the *** do you think you are?!
Walking around smiling and laughing and !
You don't even have a job.
Why would anyone want to spend time with you???
What could she possibly see in YOU??
Meanwhile...I'm lonely as...***
Can’t pay one to stay past the light of day….
Gone till November.
How is it that you have friends that actually give a damn about you?
Look at you...sitting there...smiling
No place to stay...Homeless!
No transportation...
Marriage destroyed...
Who the *** do you think you are?...smiling and ....
For What?...Oh...because you should be dead and you're still here? Because you should be locked away and you're still here? Because even through the storms you have been blessed?...Well *** YOU!
You aint ! Never been ! Aint never gonna be !
But yet you smile...with your smilin ass..
Meanwhile I have it all...everything.
Nice big house. New car.
Good job. I've got it all...
But I'm miserable...
Just who the *** do you think you are??...You're nowhere NEAR as you should be...
Get the *** away from me with your....smilin' ass...
How DARE you be victorious over a matter-of-fact....I REFUSE to let you be ….
...victorious …...over …..misery
If I am miserable...then everyone is going to be just as miserable as I AM!....
Just who do you think you are?!
I'mma tell you who you are...a deadbeat, a convict, a loser, a user, a wipe that smile off of your face....
With your.... smilin' ass...
I used to smile too...that is...until I tasted misery...
He whispered sweet nothings into my ear and made love to my
He wrapped me in his aura and caressed me down with his sweet oils and elixirs...
So many to remember....Deceit, Fornication, and Adultery just to name a few...Mmmm...sweet Adultery
He massaged and molded me until I became the physical embodiment of....Misery...Mmmm
So much that the love that I used to crave now flees at the very thought of sharing my space...
and along with Love went Friendship, Integrity, Loyalty, Respect, and Honor was not far behind...
But Misery and his concubine Loneliness filled the voids...
Smile for what? Misery never loved me..he just ***ed me...every which way but loose..
So smile for what?
So you can just wipe that stupid smile off of your face...and get down with some of this sweet Misery

But back to the question at hand...who the *** do you think you are?
Smilin' and ....
With your smilin' ass...

© 2013 Sean M. Macon

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