lashann roberts | Poetry Vibe
lashann roberts
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Lashann roberts

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Views: 335


You are more than the eyelash extensions and the fake color contacts that you see the world through, you are more than this worlds standard of fashion that they try to throw at you.
You are more than the braid extensions and the store bought European hair, You are something to be valued and handled with care.
my sister reach inside yourself and find the spirit of a queen who once had legions of soldiers bow at your feat, realize you don't have to measure up to the anglosaxon standard of beauty for you to compete.
sister you are more than sexual gratification in the backseat of some little boy's car, but you will never know your worth until you realize who you are.
Sister you are more than the sway of your hips and thighs that bounce and shake in rap videos, that you are worth more money than any man could ever throw at you while you dance naked on a pole.
You are worth more than being his baby's mama when you should have been his wife, to give your kids some stability and lessons on how to mate for life.
You need to take responsibility for knowing he was not the one before you decided to procreate, for not listening to the warning signs that he was not a suitable mate.
Stand up and stop blaming him for the things you let yourself go through, because someone can only do to you the things you let them do.
Realize that your children are a gift from god and not a bargaining chip to make his life a living hell, when things are over between the two of you and he moves on and treats another woman well.
If he is not taking care of his kids then by all means take histo court, every child that is brought into this world deserves monetary support.
how can I relate so well to the pain you are going through, well once upon a time my dear sweet sister I was just like you.....

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T'ya says:

OMG! This is such a heartfelt and necessary a sense we all live each others lives because many of us share the same experiences. It's a shame more women don't encourage each other to see we are more than we seem to believe and so much more than they give us credit for. If we begin to value ourselves, our children, and our minds more than we do, then we become what God intended us to be...a strong foundation.

NternallyMe says:

oh yes! the spirit was caught and caged. I can so identify with this.


lashann roberts says:

thank you ladies for seeing this in the spirit of which it was written! Never to down anyone for doing what they do but my soul cries for our young ladies who don't know their worth

lashann roberts says:

thank you ladies for seeing this in the spirit of which it was written! Never to down anyone for doing what they do but my soul cries for our young ladies who don't know their worth

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