I'm engulfed in the sound of her voice
The wetness of her lips has my mind all off course
The heat of a passionate moment has erased every thought I can think
Rollin like thunder, breathing like northern winds that blow
Every thought I could now think she already knows
I'm so mezmerized as she nibbles at my soul
How does she know how to make my temperature rise without bein told
The laws have all been broken
Without one word being spoken
It's no denying
This perfect being is so satisfying
She asks do you love me
And my reply is that I'll die for thee
As I look into those brown eyes
I smile silly, cause I have just been hypnotize
Now every thought that I think, she has thought for me
But I can't get pass the beads of sweat that shines like diamonds as they are dribbling down her cheek
Now I'm all off focus again
As I enter this world of ecstasy I feel I'm going insane
The vibrations she gives makes it harder to live
With the blood rushin like white water rapids
Uh huh I'm bout to explode...I I...I cccaaannn''''ttt hhhaannddllleee iiittt
Ohhhh, that's it, that's the last time
But I can't resist the temptation, It's replayin as if it were a video in the back of my mind