thatygpoetickidd | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark
wonder if i should free write

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closer to my dreams prt1



Views: 214

I only have one dream and pretty soon i am going to make it into reality this is not a parvati mind set its a parvati life style that i am living wearing the same clothes every single day having to see people dress better then me with a smile that has no worries behind it don't get it twisted i don't envy them i just have a need for what they have but i refuse to take it from them I'll earn it even if takes a little while longer I'll work until my fingers bleed and until my heart stops beating i don't wanna live on the streets of failure anymore i refuse to live in a town or city where my dreams can't or won't come true i simply refuse it one thing that has always been said about me is that i don't give up and i surely prove it on the daily but my progress isn't going anywhere feelings of doubt constantly telling myself i can do it i can do it but where are the chances that I've been looking for they're no where to be find should i put this pin an pad down and call it quites should i presue this music career that i lowkey desire instead or should i put everything I've work so hard for to bed meaning to rest i am the best at what i do and yet confused about what i should do maybe who knows for sure but on this conquest for success its telling me get better get stronger write harder don't let up for a second you can do this but what should i believe in who should i believe in everything i do is just not enough anymore its not clear to me anymore is it music could it be written

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Contest Winner  

The Immortal Wize says:

you're doing it right now, you are the change that you want to see in your life. Awesome

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