tretre | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark
"Don't just think it, Ink It!!!!"

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Poets &Prophets



Views: 463

The poets and the prophets

shall gather upon the dawn-

To dine, perhaps entrance

The coming morn.Should

They succeed halt twilight's end-

Behold! The new day of forever shall begin.

As the clock nears its final chime

prophetic words well within their minds.

Words that shall enhance the new day's shine,

and be protected in the new order's shrine,

The poets and the prophets shall become

as son-

and what of the noon shall it be lost?

No! Not at any cost it shall inherit

body and mind and walk with the living in the sublime,

but to the poets and the prophets the dawn slowly still climbs.

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Contest Winner  

The Immortal Wize says:

I think I found Shakespeare’s quill.

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Contest Winner  

tretre says:

Thank you Wize Dom for the kind words. I must say that my pen doesn't even come close to Mr. William, Shakespeare's feather quill. I'm just a tiny portion of what we as poets become.

DreamPoet says:

What the hell is a Quill? Anyway great poem.

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Contest Winner  

tretre says:

A feather quill DreamPoet, is a pen made out of a feather, But not an actual pen they make the pen from the feather. Back then they normally would use Goose feathers, but swan quills were the best. This gave inspiration to the fountain pen, the ball point pen, the fiber pen,the roller ball, and the gel pen. Just a breif history lesson for you. Thanks for taking the time to read and comment. Keep that pen movin!

Ak Rio says:

Lol^^very nice

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