mrmelody7 | Poetry Vibe


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I Feel So Real and I owe it all to you-Tribute song for my very favorite Singer and Special friend Natalie Cole-still connected-Feel so real Steve Arrington

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The Magic Of Ink



Views: 853

The magic of ink

more potent then

the strongest drink

Words framed together

only 26 letters

helps keep ones mind soul

spirit heart together

When angry is when my ink

is the best

instead of violence verbal abuse

use poetry to get things

off my chest

The power of ink, words

can not be denied

Imbedded in ones mind


the ink is dried

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Royale Jones says:

short and sweet. i like!

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mrmelody7 says:

Thank you I like um short most people attention span is short to include myself

LP45 says:

My sentiments exactly! This is how I started writing all those years ago too. It became the best way to channel my emotions all good, bad and indifferent. Thanks for sharing mrmelody7.

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mrmelody7 says:

Thank you Ladypoet45 like I told the VA when applying for my PTSD claim I used to be an angry young man I have changed over the years, the 5 board members started smiling and nodding they head, I told them now I am an angry old man-took 3 years but I got it, no give up in me

Tiffanyr says:

When angry is when my ink is the best instead of violence verbal abuse use poetry to get things off my chest I can relate to this part of the poem. I get angry fast when things don't go my way. So why not use poetry to confess myself.

mrmelody7 says:

Yes Mz Tiffanyr the lil girl is now a blossomed young lady verbal abuse is a big problem does not get the attention it needs many couples keep it under their roof its dangerous cause it stays hemmed up then one day explosion physical many cases deadly abuse

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