sandyperry | Poetry Vibe
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More Ramblings From The Stoop



Views: 315
I usually never think about my father 
He hasn’t crossed my mind in years
After awhile you just stop caring you know 
My tears never brought him home so I just stopped 
Stopped wishing he’d be there 
Stopped hoping we’d have the relationship my friends had with their fathers 
Stopped waiting to hear I love you son, I’m proud son 
It was a waste of emotions
A steady cycle of build ups and let downs
Tonight I’m reluctantly reminded of my father
I’m no longer a child 
I see fatherhood in my future
And I’m scared 
Scared I lack the knowledge needed to raise a child 
Growing up I had little to no positive male influences 
Just constant reminders of what not to do 
I was forced to learn on my own 
Make mistakes and deal with the consequences 
I hope I’m able to fill the gaps left by my father for my son 
I don’t want to fail him
I understand there’s no handbook to this
I know fatherhood is a journey 
And I’m expected to learn lessons along the way 
But for some reason I feel like I’m haunted by my father’s mistakes 

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Contest Winner  

The Immortal Wize says:

Love it brother, just keep on flowin it out.
Contest Winner  

2b2b2 says:

True one is perfect, but the enduring factor is to lead and teach by example you set for your seeds, not what you say, but how you living it....just live and love.....felt this one.....Peace

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