tretre | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark
"Don't just think it, Ink It!!!!"

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So much pressure



Views: 397

 No other feeling can ever measure up.

It's so much pressure,

Pressure to be what iam not

Pressure to get what i ain't got.

Pressure to do what i can't do

Pressure to be one of the top few.

Pressure to keep these tears inside

Pressure from the anger i hide.

This pressure inside is like a dam

Holding back the person i really am.

And if this dam decides to break,

An awful mess is what it would make

This pressure that i can hold no more

it's about to explode of this I'm sure.


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DreamPoet says:

This is some true . People being pressured to be and do things that cant or are not. Another one to add to my favorites.

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2b2b2 says:

Let it out and give yourself peace from the release, is what I say....Great Share....ONE

brenda0058 says:

AMAZING! I felt every last word because this is how I too feel now! Thanks for sharing!

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