2b2b2 | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark
Love First and Love Lasts

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Views: 708

Like covenant keeping forgotten promises

Upon tears spilled in oceans from weary seafaring

Called in whispers of winds of recollects obedience

Infecting multitudes in vapors reprisals requisite

As earth heaves and spews madness unsuspecting

Anew is adieu as eruptions of old news retroacts

Spreading mists washing away disparagements sting

Living to endings as storied beginnings travel on seams

Signals sending circles in balances weighed consequence

Spent in velocity metes and bounds bought to a here & now

As barriers are replaced by goals to win freedom revisits

Only to be sound in this perpetual enlightenments’ vow

Authored in the mysteries of inception, we keep inspecting

Accepting the streak 2b enough to change entire perception

Guessing in what matter brings more meaning GOD or being

Incensed at time retreating, existing in accords linear thinking

Marching vanguards of might delights many echelon insights

Deceiving the stillness that is present but yet must exist forever………


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mrmelody7 says:

This a very imagery lively taste of artful poetry
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tretre says:

This poem is GREAT! im going to share this to my facebook

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2b2b2 says:

thanks much mrmelody7!!

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2b2b2 says:

Cool I appreciate the spotlight tretre.....thanks

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